
Jun 05, 2020
Free Will

I’ve been in many debates about free will. Normally, a philosophical or logical debate will start out with clear definitions and conditions which lead from premise to conclusions. So, it sets off alarms in my head that the subject of free will seems to be immune to constraints.

Jun 04, 2020
Skecher's GoRun 2

I wanted to review some of the products I have used in my pursuit of a minimalist, frugal life. These shoes are my favorites “minimalist” shoes. I found that the lighter the shoe, the further I could walk.

Jun 03, 2020
The Wave

Lately I’ve been thinking about the relationship between truth and identity. It seem to me that the majority of people suffer from a kind of cognitive dissonance. Sometimes, I see someone trying to convince me to make a decision, but not based on what they know I want, or what they want, but based on what we are supposed to want.